Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Software Delete File Yang Sama - Duplicate Cleaner 2.0 Free

Software Delete File Yang Sama - Duplicate Cleaner 2.0 Free

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Nah nih juga hasil abis googling, dapet software yang cukup menarik ketika ane lihat nama nih software, Duplicate Cleaner, nah kemudian ane baca-baca tuh detailnya walaupun cuman ngerti dikit-dikit karena pake bahasa inggris.


Jadi intinya software ini berguna untuk mendelete file-file yang sama atau terduplikat, mungkin kita kesalahan ngopy gitu jadi filenya double dan kita nggak tahu. Nah dengan software ini kita bisa otomatis delete file seperti itu. Juga terdapat beberapa kriteria pencarian yang bisa kita lakukan, yaitu :
-Same Content -Same File Name -Same Size -Same Created Date, dll . Jadi bisa kita atur sendiri-sendiri.

The Selection Assistant. This tool helps you with the task of selecting files to delete or move.

The Delete, Move and Hardlink window.

Options Menu


-Find Duplicate Files by content, fast!
-Cleaner hard drives means faster performance
-Fast Scanning and accurate duplicate comparison (Uses the MD5 Hash algorithm)
-Deep scans music - locate duplicate music formats (MP3, iTunes, etc)
-Flexible search parameters
-Intelligent Selection Assistant
-Search home or networked drives
-Search multiple locations
-Export / Import results in CSV format
-View Path,Size and Date of files
-Large, resizable list window
-Image preview window
-Delete duplicate files to the Recycle bin
-Move dupe files to a new location
-Turn duplicate file into hard links (NTFS file systems only)
-Protection for Windows and system files
-Supports multiple languages
-No Spyware, Adware or any other rubbish

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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